Mental Health & Counselling

Mental Health must never, ever be a taboo subject. It is incredibly important, especially given the challenging last few years that a great deal of us have experienced. We offer mental health services for children, adults and their families from all over Alberta. Our focus is to provide care and counselling for virtually all psychosocial challenges that our patients may be personally managing, whether it’s in regards to social support, loneliness, marital status, social disruption, bereavement, work environment, social status, social integration, stressful events & experiences, cognitive behavior difficulties, and many, many more topics. Some of the services we provide are:

Clinical Psychology
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
General Mental Health Counselling
MMSE/MOCA Screening

Please Reach Out To Us for any and all questions you may have for you and your family.

We Are Here for you!

Our Mental Health Team

Sonny Ogbeide

Registered Provisional Psychologist

Mental Health Therapist & Counsellor, BSc, MSc, CAMHS

Jamie M.

Counselling Coordinator, Medical Office Assistant